P05–Implementation of a Digital Shadow for Fiber Bragg Gratings

Renner E., Haerteis L.-S., Rittler A., Schmauss B.

We propose a synthesis model for fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) to monitor temperature measurement errors due to aging behavior. This approach might be called a Digital Shadow since we are able to monitor all essential parameters of the grating to perform error prediction and consequently compensation. The model is tested during accelerated aging experiments, which […]

IS14pd–Real-time Thickness Measurement with a Modified Sagnac Interferometer Using Phase Shift Technique

Usman A., Bhatranand A., Jiraraksopakun Y., Kaewon R., Pawong C.

The modified Sagnac interferometer with a phase-shift approach is given here for measuring Ta2O5 thin-film thickness. The input light is split into reference and sample beams. A real-time signal measurement is performed to get the output intensities of both beams with four different polarizer settings. These intensities can then be effectively converted into film thickness.

LED01–Effect of Inhomogeneous Broadening in Deep Ultraviolet Light Emitting Diodes

Roemer F., Witzigmann B.

Due to their small dimensions deep ultraviolet (DUV) light emitting diodes (LED) are highly attractive light sources for environmental and medical applications. DUV LEDs generate light in active quantum wells (QW) made of Aluminium Gallium Nitride. The QWs are not lattice matched to the substrate and only few monolayers thick making them susceptible to compound […]

SC04–Impact of surface texture on bifacial silicon heterojunction solar cell carrier loss

Tonita E. M., Valdivia C. E., Hinzer K.

We investigate the impact of surface texturing on current loss as a function of depth and wavelength in high efficiency bifacial silicon heterojunction solar cells operating at their maximum power output. We couple 3D ray tracing with TMM thin-film boundary conditions for optical simulations and solve Poisson’s drift-diffusion equations to calculate carrier recombination under both […]

NM07–Design and Analysis of Slow Light Device based on Double Quantum Dots Tunneling Induced Transparency

Mardani H., Kaatuzian H., Choupanzadeh B.

Slow light Transparency window can be achieved with the help of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) method and Tunneling Induced Transparency (TIT) method accompanied by observing tunneling effect between InAs quantum dot structure with energy gap of 0.35 eV and a thin layer of GaAs potential barrier with energy gap of 1.42 eV. By investigating different […]

LD06–Effect of Wetting Layers on Quantum Dash Laser Operation in Crosslight PICS3D

Schaefer S., Obhi R. J. K., Valdivia C. E., Hinzer K.

We discuss the integration of quantum dashes (QDashes) into laser simulations using Crosslight Pics3D, outlining the approach for developing a model featuring asymmetrical active regions. The importance of including wetting layers to accurately represent carrier transport is investigated using results obtained for an InAs/InP QDash laser. While leakage current across the active region is unaffected […]

P10pd–Numerical Simulation of Stokes Solitons in a Silica Microresonator

Anashkina E. A., Marisova M. P., Leuchs G., Andrianov A. V.

 We report a novel generation regime of Stokes solitons numerically found in a silica microresonator in the framework of the generalized Raman-modified Lugiato-Lefever equation. These solitons can be attained for certain parameters in the anomalous dispersion range when the pump is in the normal dispersion range. We also demonstrate the Stokes soliton-like experimental spectrum similar […]

D01–Probability Theory of Single-Carrier Avalanche in HgCdTe APDs as a Stochastic Process

Xie R., Hu W.

Recent researches have proven that HgCdTe is a good material to acquire both high multiplication and low excess noise factor at the same time in avalanche photodiodes (APDs). As a pseudo-binary narrow bandgap semiconductor material, HgCdTe exhibits high conduction band nonparabolicity as well as strong alloy scattering, especially for hot electrons, which changes the dynamics […]

LD01–Multimode Dynamics and Frequency Comb Generation in Quantum Cascade Lasers

Belyanin A., Wang Y.

In this talk I will discuss how resonant light-matter interaction in the gain medium of quantum cascade lasers gives rise to a rich nonlinear multimode dynamics and a variety of phase-locked multimode regimes, most notably optical frequency combs with separation between the comb lines changing from one to many dozen round-trip frequencies. I will review […]

SC05–Current-Voltage Characteristics Simulations of Organic Solar Cells Using Discontinuous Galerkin Method

Ćirović N., Khalf A., Gojanović J., Matavulj P., Živanović S.

The steady state drift-diffusion model (DDM) of organic solar cells that considers the surface recombination processes for majority and minority carriers, as well as their thermionic emission on both electrodes, is presented in this paper. When the full Robin boundary conditions (BCs) and the popular finite difference method with Schaffeter-Gummel discretization (FDSG) were applied, significant […]

IS10–Reconfigurability Analysis of Single and Dual Wavelength Millimeter Wave Photonic Generation Techniques

Alzoubi S., Shehata M.

Optimizing the operating conditions of a Mach-Zhender modulator (MZM) for different design requirements has drawn considerable research interests due to its key role as an electro-optic (EO) interface in hybrid access radio-over-fiber networks. In this work, we compare the modulation efficiency and the bit error rate (BER) performances of single and dual-wavelength-modulated millimeter-wave (MMW) photonic […]

N01–Nanowire antennas embedding single quantum dots: towards the emission of indistinguishable photons

Claudon J., Kotal S., Artioli A., Finazzer M., Fons R., Genuist Y., Bleuse J., Gérard J.-M., Wang Y., Osterkryger A. D., Gregersen N., Munsch M., Kuhlmann A. V., Cadeddu D., Poggio M., Warburton R. W., Verlot P.

Nanowire antennas embedding a single semiconductor quantum dot (QD) represent an appealing solid-state platform for photonic quantum technologies. We present recent work aiming at generating indistinguishable photons with this system. We first investigate decoherence channels that spectrally broaden the QD emission, and discuss in particular the impact of nanowire thermal vibrations. We also develop nanowire […]

P13pd–Malaria Diagnosis Using High Quality-Factor Photonic Crystal Biosensor

Tayoub H., Hocini A., Harhouz A.

 In 2019, they accounted for 67% (274,000) of all malaria deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization; the african region was home to 94% of malaria cases and deaths. In this context, it is vital to detect malaria more effectively and accurately, we have developed in this paper a two dimensional photonic crystal biosensor […]

D03–Plasmonic nanorods for enhanced absorption in mid-wavelength infrared detectors

Vallone M., Goano M., Tibaldi A., Hanna S., Eich D., Wegmann A., Figgemeier H., Ghione G., Bertazzi F.

The absorption properties of HgCdTe based infrared detectors can be greatly increased in the mid-infrared band, by incorporating nanostructured plasmonic arrays on the illuminated detector face. The array periodicity, combined with the excitation of surface plasmon-polariton stationary modes, enhances the absorption efficiency by a substantial amount, allowing to reduce in turn the HgCdTe absorption thickness. 

P07–Analysis of a phase shifter based on a slot polymeric waveguide with liquid crystal cladding

Cornaggia F., Alam B., d’Alessandro A., Asquini R.

We numerically investigated a phase shifter based on a polymeric platform by using two different approaches. The device consists of a polymeric slot waveguide covered with an organic liquid crystal cladding, which is a promising configuration for the implementation of polymeric waveguide systems for computation, communication and sensing. Two different nematic liquid crystals have been […]

SC07–Impact of effective capture cross section on generation-recombination rate in InAs/GaAs quantum dot solar cell

Sharan A., Kumar J.

Quantum dot solar cell structures have been theoretically analysed to study the impact of effective capture cross sections on quantum dot generation-recombination processes. The Poisson’s and continuity equation were solved self-consistently to obtain electrostatic potential, electron and hole carrier distribution, and electron filling of the QDs. The occupation probability of the QDs was used to […]

IS11–Design of all-optical Chalcogenide T-flip flop using Photonic Crystal Waveguide

Valliammai M., Mohanraj J., Kanimozhi T., Sridevi S.

The field of designing photonic crystal based all optical devices is the recent research trend as it remarkably promises an opportunity to diminish circuit complexity. The main intention of this present work is to contrive novel photonic crystal waveguide based all optical chalcogenide T-flip flop. Finally the efficient performance is numerically demonstrated to show elevated […]

N02–Wave-function engineering in (In,Ga)As/(In,Al)As core/shell nanowires

Marquardt O., Geelhaar L., Brandt O.

 We study the electronic properties of In0.53Ga0.47As/InxAl1–xAs core/shell nanowires for light emission in the telecommunication range. In particular, we systematically investigate the influence of the In content x of the InxAl1–xAs shell and the diameter d of the In0.53Ga0.47As core on strain distribution, transition energies, and the character of the hole wave function. We show […]

LD08–Thermally-Enabled Transmission Line Laser Model with Arbitrary Sampled Gain Spectra

Novakovic B., Tao Y., Asgari S., McGuire D.

In this paper we demonstrate a directly coupled opto-electro-thermal (OET) transmission line laser model (TLLM) for edge emitting laser simulations and its comparison to physical simulations and measurements. Our results show that the OET TLLM has comparable computational efficiency to the standard opto-electronic (OE) TLLM and can include self-heating effects with good accuracy. As such […]

P12pd–Passive and active slab waveguide mode analysis using transfer matrix method

Khorrami Y., Fathi D., Khavasi A., Rumpf C.

We present a general approach for numerical mode analysis of the multilayer slab waveguides using the Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) instead of the Finite Difference Frequency Domain (FDFD) method. TMM consists of working through the device one layer at a time and calculating an overall transfer matrix. Using the scattering matrix technique, we develop the […]

D04–Ge-on-Si waveguide photodetectors: multiphysics modeling and experimental validation

Alasio M. G. C., Goano M., Tibaldi A., Bertazzi F., Namnabat S., Adams D., Gothoskar P., Forghieri F., Ghione G., Vallone M.

This work compares a multiphysics modeling approach with experimental measurements of two Ge-on-Si butt-coupled waveguide photodetectors. The coupled three dimensional electromagnetic and electrical simulation of the frequency response shows promising agreement with the measurements at 1310 nm, and provides detailed information about significant microscopic quantities, such as the spatial distribution of the optical generation rate.

P08–Design and Simulation of C-Shaped Optical Fiber Sensor

Razali N. M., Ambran S., Zuikafly S. N. F., Yuzir M. A. M., Sapingi H. H. J.

This paper presents a C-shaped optical fiber sensor for refractive index measurement. The design and simulation of the C-shaped optical fiber were conducted via Wave Optics Module-COMSOL Multiphysics®. The refractive index measurement ranging from 1.30-1.40 is performed. The simulation results showed that the C-shaped design has the potential to act as a refractive index sensor […]

MM01–Connecting atomistic and continuum models for (In,Ga)N quantum wells: From tight-binding energy landscapes to electronic structure and carrier transport

Schulz S., O’Donovan M., Chaudhuri D., Patra S. K., Farrell P., Marquardt O., Streckenbach T., Koprucki T.

We present a multi-scale framework for calculating electronic and transport properties of nitride-based devices. Here, an atomistic tight-binding model is connected with continuum based electronic structure and transport models. In a first step, the electronic structure of (In,Ga)N quantum wells is analyzed and compared between atomistic and continuum-based approaches, showing that even though the two […]

LED02–Rigorous simulation of photon recycling effects in perovskite solar cells and LEDs

Aeberhard U., Zeder S., Ruhstaller B.

Secondary photogeneration due to reabsorption of internally emitted photons in metal halide perovskites is assessed using a novel dipole emission model that is compatible with detailed balance rates. The model considers the non-uniform local photon density of states of thin film absorbers/emitters consistently in internal and external emission and provides insight into the impact of […]