D07–The absorption enhancement effect of metal gratings integrated Silicon-based Blocked-Impurity-Band (BIB) terahertz detector

Chen Yulu, Tong W., Wang B., Wang L., Cui H., Wang X.

High-sensitivity Terahertz (THz) detection technology is widely researched for its potential applications in astronomical observation, human security check, weak signal biomacromolecule detection, etc. In this work, a novel THz detector based on metal gratings/Si-BIB hybrid structure is theoretically simulated and successfully fabricated. From FDTD simulation results, the optical field is localized in the absorbing-layer region […]

IS03–Simulation and design of plasmonic directional couplers: application to interference-based all-optical gates

Ghomashi M., Tibaldi A., Bertazzi F., Vallone M., Goano M., Ghione G.

The paper is focused on the design of optical components based on plasmonic multi-slot directional couplers. In particular, the design of an all-optical gate is proposed, whose operation is based on the coupling between three plasmonic slots. The device input wavelength is 1550 nm, typical of long-haul telecommunication systems. The device footprint is as small […]

NM01–Machine Learning & multiscale simulations: toward fast screening of organic semiconductor materials

Rinderle M., Gagliardi A.

Organic semiconductor devices promise cost-efficient processability at low temperatures, but the usually amorphous materials suffer from low charge carrier mobility. The search for high mobility organic semiconductor materials has thrived data science and Machine Learning approaches to screen the vast amount of possible organic materials. We present a multiscale simulation model based on machine learned […]

LED05–Engineering the Active Region to Enhance the IQE by ~8% in AlGaN/GaN based UVC LED

Acharya J., Venkateshh S., Ghosh K.

To increase the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of AlGaN/GaN based multi quantum-well (MQW) UV-C LED, the aluminium composition of barriers and wells in the active region has been engineered. Increase in electron-hole overlap and hence the radiative recombination rate in the final engineered structure has enabled to enhance the IQE by 8%.

MM04–Mirror particle effects in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations including Coulomb interaction with periodic boundary conditions

Schwuchow M., Wagner C., Thränhardt A.

We investigate the photoluminescence of low-dimensional disordered materials, as used e.g. in solar cells, by performing kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations of exciton hopping with periodic boundary conditions. In order to perform numerically efficient calculations, the box length Lbox should be as small as possible while maintaining physically meaningful results during the presence of exciton-exciton-interaction. Exciton-exciton interaction […]

N06–Optical properties of a waveguide-fed plasmonic nano-array through approximated scattering theory

Alam B., Ferraro A., d’Alessandro A., Caputo R., Asquini R.

We analyze the optical scattering properties of an array of Au nano-cylinders fabricated upon an ion-exchanged waveguide. The integrated systems is considered for fluoroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Absorption, scattering and extinction have been calculated through a combination of Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method and scattering theory. While a portion of the excitation signal interacts […]

LD13pd–Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Tm- and Er-Doped Tellurite Microsphere Lasers

Anashkina E. A., Andrianov A. V.

We report an efficient semi-analytical method for modeling of CW rare-earth ion-doped microlasers. We numerically simulated threshold pump powers and expected laser wavelengths for in-band pumped Tm- and Er-doped tellurite glass microspheres. With the increase of Q-factor, the laser wavelength grows smoothly for Tm and there are jumps from the C-band to the L-band for […]

D08–Numerical simulation on the effect of the working temperature on the response sensitivity for GaAs-based blocked impurity band (BIB) terahertz detectors

Wang X., Ma W., Wang B., Zhang C., Chen Yulu, Zhang H.

Working temperature is a critical parameter to evaluate the performance of Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) blocked impurity-band (BIB) terahertz detector. An optimal devicetemperature can ensure the best response sensitivity. Therefore, we analyze the effect of device temperature on the response sensitivity characteristics of GaAs-based BIB detector by numerical simulation. The simulated result shows that the optimal […]

IS04–Flexible and Highly Scalable LiDAR for an FMCW LiDAR PIC based on Grating Couplers

Voskerchyan V., Tian Y., Soares F. M., Diaz-Otero F.

In this paper three types of Silicon Photonics OPA architectures are proposed and investigated. Edge-fire optical phased array, that simplifies the design of the OPA. Second architecture is OPA with grating coupler antennas. Maximum steering angle for edge-fire OPA is ±44◦, FWHM is 0.10986◦. For GC OPA steering angle is ±20◦ and FWHM=1.003116◦. Third architecture […]

NM03–Tight binding simulations of tetragonal MAPbI3 domains within orthorhombic phase

Di Vito A., Pecchia A., Auf der Maur M., Di Carlo A.

Very recent photoluminescence studies, investigating the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic phase transition of MAPbI3, demonstrated the presence of residual tetragonal phase far below the transition temperature, yielding spectral signatures from quantum confined tetragonal domains. We present a theoretical model of the coexistence of tetragonal and orthorhombic MAPbI3, based on tight binding simulations. The tight binding parameters are derived […]

LED06–Modeling of secondary optics LED aerodrome fires

Kvach Y.

The development of LED technology has allowed the Ukrainian Association of Lighting Enterprises of Vatra Corporation to develop the construction of LED equipment for the airfield light signal systems. Features of fire design, angles of installation of fires, difficulties in observing LED aerodrome fires – these factors influence the decision making when establishing visual contact. […]

MM05–Dynamic Response Prediction of Bi-State Emission of Quantum Dot Lasers Based on Extreme Learning Machine

Santos W.F.S., Simas Filho E. F., Thé G. A. P.

Dual-state emission is an phenomenon which takes place in Quantum Dot Lasers at different temperature and operating conditions. In this study, we investigate that issue from a nonlinear regression model based on Extreme Learning Machine, which revealed to be able to predict the spectrally resolved transient response of InAs/InGaAs quantum dot laser with error performance […]

N07–Short Pulses from QD Laser Excited State

Dogru N., Duranoglu Tunc S. H., Al-Dabbagh A. M.

 For the first time gain-switched short pulse generation with a width of 25-40 ps from excited state is demonstrated applying an external optical Gaussian beam to the excited state of InAs-InP-(113)B quantum dot laser.

P02–Quantum Information Interface on a Photonic Crystal Chip

Mertin P., Witzigmann B.

Quantum systems for information processing rely on the distribution of quantum information in a network. Lanthanide complexes coupled to an optical cavity can act as an interface between a stationary and a flying QuBit. Here we show that in such a system the stationary quantum information can be mapped onto a photon, paving the way […]

LD14pd–Optimization of Double-Circular-Hole Photonic-Crystal Surface-Emitting Lasers

Kuo C.-Y., Yang Z.-X., Lin G.

Photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers (PCSELs) with double circular holes in the unit cell are optimized in terms of slope efficiency and single-mode stability. For PC-SELs with double-hole shift of one-fourth and one-third lattice constant, the area ratios of two holes are optimized separately and fall in completely different range; moreover, their threshold gain discrimination values are […]

D09–Near Infra-red Photosensor using Optically Gated D-MOS Vertical TFET

Vandana Devi W., Bhowmick B., Pukhrambam P. D.

This article reports a highly sensitive and low power photosensor using dual MOSCAP Vertical TFET for near infrared light detection in the wavelength range 0.7µm to 1µm. The optical voltage (VOP) developed because of the photogeneration occurring within the gate region enhances the gate control over the channel and produces higher drain current. The sensitivity […]

IS05–Modeling Material Susceptibility in Silicon for Four-Wave Mixing Based Nonlinear Optics

Höfler U., Kernetzky T., Hanik N.

We model the third-order material susceptibility chi3 in silicon waveguides for integrated optics. Analysis of four-wave mixing in these waveguides requires an in-depth study of material nonlinearity – in contrast to modeling light propagation in fibers with the optical nonlinear Schrödinger equation. We include electronic and atomic lattice (Raman) responses of the material and present […]

NM04–Strain-balanced GaAs(1-x)Bi(x)/GaN(y)As(1-y) W-type quantum wells for GaAs-based 1.3-1.6µm lasers

Davidson Z. C. M., Rorison J. M., Sweeney S. J., Broderick C. A.

Highly-mismatched alloys constitute a promising approach to extend the operational range of GaAs-based quantum well (QW) lasers to telecom wavelengths. This is challenging using type-I QWs due to the difficulty to incorporate sufficient N or Bi via epitaxial growth. To overcome this, we investigate a novel class of strain-compensated type-II QWs combining electron-confining, tensile strained […]

LD02–GaN-based bipolar cascade laser exceeding 100% differential quantum efficiency

Piprek J., Siekacz M., Muziol G., Skierbiszewski C.

Worldwide research efforts have been focusing on quantum efficiency enhancements of GaN-based light emitters. A promising approach is the separation of multiple active regions by tunnel junctions, enabling electron-hole pairs to generate more than one photon. Utilizing advanced numerical device simulation, we here analyze internal physics and performance limitations of such InGaN/GaN bipolar cascade laser […]

MM06–Numerical Prediction of Propagation Characteristics for Integrated Optical Couplers

Uebach D., Roth J. P., Kühler T., Griese E.

The field-assisted ion-exchange process for manufacturing integrated optical couplers is multivariate. For this reason, a precise prediction of the optical propagation characteristics of manufactured devices is needed. Two numerical calculation methods are compared with measured results for an integrated coupler to assess its applicability for a precise prediction.

N08–Dependence of conduction mechanism on bias and temperature in quantum-dot based electroluminescent devices

Rani S., Kumar J.

Quantum dots (QDs) provide some unique properties which make them preferable over other luminescent materials, one such property being adjustable and sharp emission which makes it an interesting candidate for electroluminescent devices. A QD based electroluminescent device has been taken into consideration in this theoretical study. The effect of the bias, temperature, the presence of […]

P03–Flat-Spectral-Band Filter for Fabrication Tolerance and Wideband Spectral Range

Jeong S.-H.

Novel scheme for silicon-wire type flat-topped wavelength filter is proposed and theoretically verified. Multimode interference couplers with symmetric and asymmetric splitting ratios used in a delayed interference type filter made filtering spectra flat over wide wavelength range of >80 nm with potentially better production yield

IS12pd–Modelling of mid-IR on-chip Doppler FMCW LiDAR System

Tian Y., Voskerchyan V., Soares F. M., Diaz-Otero F.

We propose a generic model that can simulate the functioning of doppler LiDAR system from given target speed, working distance and modulation pattern. Simulations confirm that our model yield system performance consistent with the theoretical calculations.

SC02–Machine Learning for Optimization of Mass-Produced Industrial Silicon Solar Cells

Wagner-Mohnsen H., Altermatt P. P.

We present a methodology where we combine numerical TCAD device modeling, machine learning and advanced statistics for getting a deeper understanding of how process variations influence device performance in mass produced crystalline silicon solar cells. For this, we use seven model input parameters that affect the mainstream solar cell design (PERC) and its performance the […]

IS06–Time Domain Numerical Study of Two Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers Laser Cavity Structures

El Hassanieh R., Morel P., Hamze M., Quintard V., Pérennou A., Sharaiha A.

In this paper, we develop a time domain model of a Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers Fiber Cavity Laser (SOAFCL). The time domain characteristics of two different cavity configurations (bidirectional and one-way cavity) are compared. The study shows that one-way cavity is less noisy compared to the bidirectional cavity which presents higher output power.