D04–Ge-on-Si waveguide photodetectors: multiphysics modeling and experimental validation

Alasio M. G. C., Goano M., Tibaldi A., Bertazzi F., Namnabat S., Adams D., Gothoskar P., Forghieri F., Ghione G., Vallone M.

This work compares a multiphysics modeling approach with experimental measurements of two Ge-on-Si butt-coupled waveguide photodetectors. The coupled three dimensional electromagnetic and electrical simulation of the frequency response shows promising agreement with the measurements at 1310 nm, and provides detailed information about significant microscopic quantities, such as the spatial distribution of the optical generation rate.

P08–Design and Simulation of C-Shaped Optical Fiber Sensor

Razali N. M., Ambran S., Zuikafly S. N. F., Yuzir M. A. M., Sapingi H. H. J.

This paper presents a C-shaped optical fiber sensor for refractive index measurement. The design and simulation of the C-shaped optical fiber were conducted via Wave Optics Module-COMSOL Multiphysics®. The refractive index measurement ranging from 1.30-1.40 is performed. The simulation results showed that the C-shaped design has the potential to act as a refractive index sensor […]

MM01–Connecting atomistic and continuum models for (In,Ga)N quantum wells: From tight-binding energy landscapes to electronic structure and carrier transport

Schulz S., O’Donovan M., Chaudhuri D., Patra S. K., Farrell P., Marquardt O., Streckenbach T., Koprucki T.

We present a multi-scale framework for calculating electronic and transport properties of nitride-based devices. Here, an atomistic tight-binding model is connected with continuum based electronic structure and transport models. In a first step, the electronic structure of (In,Ga)N quantum wells is analyzed and compared between atomistic and continuum-based approaches, showing that even though the two […]

LED02–Rigorous simulation of photon recycling effects in perovskite solar cells and LEDs

Aeberhard U., Zeder S., Ruhstaller B.

Secondary photogeneration due to reabsorption of internally emitted photons in metal halide perovskites is assessed using a novel dipole emission model that is compatible with detailed balance rates. The model considers the non-uniform local photon density of states of thin film absorbers/emitters consistently in internal and external emission and provides insight into the impact of […]

N03–Numerical and Experimental Characterization of Chirped Quantum Dot-based Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers

Forrest A. F., Cataluna M. A., Krakowski M., Giannuzzi G., Bardella P.

We present a model for the description of the dynamical behavior of Quantum Dot (QD) based Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOAs) under injection of optical pulses. The model uses a Time Domain Traveling Wave (TDTW) approach to describe the optical field in the amplifier, and allows us to consider chirped QD materials by the inclusion of […]

P11pd–Numerical Simulations on Quantum Noise Squeezing for CW Light in Highly Nonlinear Tellurite Fibers

Sorokin A. A., Leuchs G.

Quantum noise suppression of light is desirable for a lot of applications including quantum communication, quantum sensing, and detection of gravitational waves. There are several ways to obtain squeezed light including Kerr squeezing in optical fibers. Silica fibers are commonly used for this purpose. Here we propose to use highly nonlinear tellurite glass fibers for […]

D05–Evaluation of material profiles for III-V nanowire photodetectors

Martinez-Olivier C., Moselund K. E., Georgiev V. P.

In this paper we report the simulation-based design of experiment (DoE) study for three different types of III-V based pin photodetectors operating at various wavelengths. Our DoE work shows that the optimal configuration for each device is strongly determined by the wavelength at which we are aiming to operate the photodetector and that a trade-off […]

P09–Nanoplasmonic Multiband Filters Using SIR for Wireless Networks

Thirupathaiah K., Koteswara Rao L.

This article demonstrates design and numerical analysis of the multiband band-pass and band-stop filters using an even-mode MIM waveguide-based step impedance resonator (SIR) and simultaneously operated at optical bands O & L bands (185.72 THz and 230.02 THz) with higher efficiency (>35 dB)

IS01–Improved Phase Detection in On-Chip Refractometers

Schweikert C., Hoppe N., Elster E., Vogel W., Berroth M.

An improved phase detection scheme for Mach-Zehnder and bimodal interferometers is presented. By using a 90° hybrid, always two outputs operate at a highly sensitive point and the phase-shift-unambiguousness is extended to a range of 2π. The phase detection is independent of mode attenuations and input power fluctuations.

MM02–Efficient multi-band k·p calculations of superlattice electronic and optical properties using plane waves

Murphy C., O’Reilly E. P., Broderick C. A.

Solving the multi-band k·p Schrodinger equation for a quantum-confined heterostructure using a reciprocal space plane wave approach presents several advantages compared to conventional real space approaches such as the finite difference or element methods. In addition to allowing analytical derivation of the heterostructure Hamiltonian, a desired level of accuracy in the computed eigenstates can generally […]

N04–Bismuth-containing GaAs core-shell nanowires

Usman Muhammad

This work theoretically investigates the electronic and optical properties of GaBixAs1–x/GaAs core–shell and GaAs/GaBixAs1–x/GaAs multi-core–shell nanowires. Our results show a large tuning of absorption wavelength (0.9 µ to 1.6 µ) by varying Bi composition and/or nanowire diameters. The computed polarisation dependent optical spectra indicate the possibility to incorporate such nanowires in photonic devices desiring isotropic […]

LD10–Optical Feedback Regimes Suitable for Distance Measurement with a Ring Laser

Lombardi L., Annovazzi-Lodi V., Aromataris G., Scirè A.

We numerically study the behavior of a ring laser subject to bidirectional delayed optical feedback, when the isolated laser is in the quasi-unidirectional regime. We find different regimes, two of which are of special interest, because the laser switching period, between the clockwise and the counter-clockwise mode, is linearly related to the time of flight […]

D06–Photoresponse uniformity in planar InP/InGaAs avalanche photodiodes

Walker A. W., Pitts O. J.

 Numerical simulation of the electric field distribution and photocurrent response of a planar InP/InGaAs avalanche photodiode is presented as a function of varying multiplication width. The Zn dopant diffusion front is obtained by numerically simulating the diffusion process. The simulation results indicate that while a local peak value of the electric field is observed near […]

IS02–Numerical Simulation of Optical Through-Silicon Waveguide for 3D Photonic Interconnections

Villasmunta F., Steglich P., Schrader S., Schenk H., Mai A.

Optical interconnections are a promising step forward to overcome the intrinsic limitations of electrical interconnections in integrated circuits. In this work, we present a finite element method (FEM) simulation study of a dielectric waveguide etched through the full thickness of a silicon substrate. In particular, it is investigated the effect of the bridge-to-core size ratio […]

P01–Design of a computer-generated waveguide hologram for integrated free space sensing

Liu T., Jiao Y., Bente E.

In this work we present a design of a computer generated waveguide hologram coupler with an ultra-long working distance and wavelength multiplexing in the near infrared. An approximation method to compute the scalar field from a detour phase hologram is presented. The accuracy is comparable to FDTD but it is achieved much faster. Coupling efficiency […]

LED04–Marked efficiency enhancement of 222 nm AlGaN-based deep-UV LEDs for disinfection of SARS-2 (Covid-19)

Jamil T., Usman Muhammad, Jamal H., Khan S.

The AlGaN-based deep ultraviolet light emitting diodes (DUV LEDs) for the disinfection of SARS-2 (Covid-19) are proposed in this study. The optoelectronic characteristics of DUV LEDs are numerically analyzed. The results show that the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) and radiative recombination rate are excellently improved in the proposed LED. This significant enhancement is due to […]

MM03–Parameter Estimation of an Ion-Exchange Process Based on a Pseudo Probability Measure

Roth J. P., Kühler T., Griese E.

For the realization of integrated optical waveguide components, needed for integrated photonic circuits, a promising approach to manufacturing is their embedding in thin glass sheets by thermal diffusion processes. Because prototyping or manufacturing small batch series is costly, appropriate numerical simulations are used in order to allow an accurate characterization. However, in practical applications it […]

N05–Modeling the effects of p-modulation doping in InAs quantum dot devices

Maglio B., Jarvis L., Tang M., Liu H., Smowton P. M.

A modeling routine has been developed to quantify the effects of p-modulation doping in the waveguide core region of InAs quantum dot (QD) devices. Utilizing one dimensional approximations, simulated outputs of reverse and forward devices are simulated providing insight into absorption and gain properties.

D07–The absorption enhancement effect of metal gratings integrated Silicon-based Blocked-Impurity-Band (BIB) terahertz detector

Chen Yulu, Tong W., Wang B., Wang L., Cui H., Wang X.

High-sensitivity Terahertz (THz) detection technology is widely researched for its potential applications in astronomical observation, human security check, weak signal biomacromolecule detection, etc. In this work, a novel THz detector based on metal gratings/Si-BIB hybrid structure is theoretically simulated and successfully fabricated. From FDTD simulation results, the optical field is localized in the absorbing-layer region […]

IS03–Simulation and design of plasmonic directional couplers: application to interference-based all-optical gates

Ghomashi M., Tibaldi A., Bertazzi F., Vallone M., Goano M., Ghione G.

The paper is focused on the design of optical components based on plasmonic multi-slot directional couplers. In particular, the design of an all-optical gate is proposed, whose operation is based on the coupling between three plasmonic slots. The device input wavelength is 1550 nm, typical of long-haul telecommunication systems. The device footprint is as small […]

NM01–Machine Learning & multiscale simulations: toward fast screening of organic semiconductor materials

Rinderle M., Gagliardi A.

Organic semiconductor devices promise cost-efficient processability at low temperatures, but the usually amorphous materials suffer from low charge carrier mobility. The search for high mobility organic semiconductor materials has thrived data science and Machine Learning approaches to screen the vast amount of possible organic materials. We present a multiscale simulation model based on machine learned […]

LED05–Engineering the Active Region to Enhance the IQE by ~8% in AlGaN/GaN based UVC LED

Acharya J., Venkateshh S., Ghosh K.

To increase the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) of AlGaN/GaN based multi quantum-well (MQW) UV-C LED, the aluminium composition of barriers and wells in the active region has been engineered. Increase in electron-hole overlap and hence the radiative recombination rate in the final engineered structure has enabled to enhance the IQE by 8%.

MM04–Mirror particle effects in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations including Coulomb interaction with periodic boundary conditions

Schwuchow M., Wagner C., Thränhardt A.

We investigate the photoluminescence of low-dimensional disordered materials, as used e.g. in solar cells, by performing kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations of exciton hopping with periodic boundary conditions. In order to perform numerically efficient calculations, the box length Lbox should be as small as possible while maintaining physically meaningful results during the presence of exciton-exciton-interaction. Exciton-exciton interaction […]

N06–Optical properties of a waveguide-fed plasmonic nano-array through approximated scattering theory

Alam B., Ferraro A., d’Alessandro A., Caputo R., Asquini R.

We analyze the optical scattering properties of an array of Au nano-cylinders fabricated upon an ion-exchanged waveguide. The integrated systems is considered for fluoroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Absorption, scattering and extinction have been calculated through a combination of Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) method and scattering theory. While a portion of the excitation signal interacts […]