Photonics13 Videos

P13pd–Malaria Diagnosis Using High Quality-Factor Photonic Crystal Biosensor

Tayoub H., Hocini A., Harhouz A.

 In 2019, they accounted for 67% (274,000) of all malaria deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organization; the african region was home to 94% of malaria cases and deaths. In this context, it is vital to detect malaria more effectively and accurately, we have developed in this paper a two dimensional photonic crystal biosensor […]

P01–Design of a computer-generated waveguide hologram for integrated free space sensing

Liu T., Jiao Y., Bente E.

In this work we present a design of a computer generated waveguide hologram coupler with an ultra-long working distance and wavelength multiplexing in the near infrared. An approximation method to compute the scalar field from a detour phase hologram is presented. The accuracy is comparable to FDTD but it is achieved much faster. Coupling efficiency […]

P12pd–Passive and active slab waveguide mode analysis using transfer matrix method

Khorrami Y., Fathi D., Khavasi A., Rumpf C.

We present a general approach for numerical mode analysis of the multilayer slab waveguides using the Transfer Matrix Method (TMM) instead of the Finite Difference Frequency Domain (FDFD) method. TMM consists of working through the device one layer at a time and calculating an overall transfer matrix. Using the scattering matrix technique, we develop the […]

P02–Quantum Information Interface on a Photonic Crystal Chip

Mertin P., Witzigmann B.

Quantum systems for information processing rely on the distribution of quantum information in a network. Lanthanide complexes coupled to an optical cavity can act as an interface between a stationary and a flying QuBit. Here we show that in such a system the stationary quantum information can be mapped onto a photon, paving the way […]

P11pd–Numerical Simulations on Quantum Noise Squeezing for CW Light in Highly Nonlinear Tellurite Fibers

Sorokin A. A., Leuchs G.

Quantum noise suppression of light is desirable for a lot of applications including quantum communication, quantum sensing, and detection of gravitational waves. There are several ways to obtain squeezed light including Kerr squeezing in optical fibers. Silica fibers are commonly used for this purpose. Here we propose to use highly nonlinear tellurite glass fibers for […]

P03–Flat-Spectral-Band Filter for Fabrication Tolerance and Wideband Spectral Range

Jeong S.-H.

Novel scheme for silicon-wire type flat-topped wavelength filter is proposed and theoretically verified. Multimode interference couplers with symmetric and asymmetric splitting ratios used in a delayed interference type filter made filtering spectra flat over wide wavelength range of >80 nm with potentially better production yield

P05–Implementation of a Digital Shadow for Fiber Bragg Gratings

Renner E., Haerteis L.-S., Rittler A., Schmauss B.

We propose a synthesis model for fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) to monitor temperature measurement errors due to aging behavior. This approach might be called a Digital Shadow since we are able to monitor all essential parameters of the grating to perform error prediction and consequently compensation. The model is tested during accelerated aging experiments, which […]

P07–Analysis of a phase shifter based on a slot polymeric waveguide with liquid crystal cladding

Cornaggia F., Alam B., d’Alessandro A., Asquini R.

We numerically investigated a phase shifter based on a polymeric platform by using two different approaches. The device consists of a polymeric slot waveguide covered with an organic liquid crystal cladding, which is a promising configuration for the implementation of polymeric waveguide systems for computation, communication and sensing. Two different nematic liquid crystals have been […]

P08–Design and Simulation of C-Shaped Optical Fiber Sensor

Razali N. M., Ambran S., Zuikafly S. N. F., Yuzir M. A. M., Sapingi H. H. J.

This paper presents a C-shaped optical fiber sensor for refractive index measurement. The design and simulation of the C-shaped optical fiber were conducted via Wave Optics Module-COMSOL Multiphysics®. The refractive index measurement ranging from 1.30-1.40 is performed. The simulation results showed that the C-shaped design has the potential to act as a refractive index sensor […]

P09–Nanoplasmonic Multiband Filters Using SIR for Wireless Networks

Thirupathaiah K., Koteswara Rao L.

This article demonstrates design and numerical analysis of the multiband band-pass and band-stop filters using an even-mode MIM waveguide-based step impedance resonator (SIR) and simultaneously operated at optical bands O & L bands (185.72 THz and 230.02 THz) with higher efficiency (>35 dB)

P10pd–Numerical Simulation of Stokes Solitons in a Silica Microresonator

Anashkina E. A., Marisova M. P., Leuchs G., Andrianov A. V.

 We report a novel generation regime of Stokes solitons numerically found in a silica microresonator in the framework of the generalized Raman-modified Lugiato-Lefever equation. These solitons can be attained for certain parameters in the anomalous dispersion range when the pump is in the normal dispersion range. We also demonstrate the Stokes soliton-like experimental spectrum similar […]