Leuchs G.

Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Nizhny Novgorod, 603950 Russia; Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, D-91058 Erlangen, Germany


P10pd–Numerical Simulation of Stokes Solitons in a Silica Microresonator

Anashkina E. A., Marisova M. P., Leuchs G., Andrianov A. V.

 We report a novel generation regime of Stokes solitons numerically found in a silica microresonator in the framework of the generalized Raman-modified Lugiato-Lefever equation. These solitons can be attained for certain parameters in the anomalous dispersion range when the pump is in the normal dispersion range. We also demonstrate the Stokes soliton-like experimental spectrum similar […]

P11pd–Numerical Simulations on Quantum Noise Squeezing for CW Light in Highly Nonlinear Tellurite Fibers

Sorokin A. A., Leuchs G.

Quantum noise suppression of light is desirable for a lot of applications including quantum communication, quantum sensing, and detection of gravitational waves. There are several ways to obtain squeezed light including Kerr squeezing in optical fibers. Silica fibers are commonly used for this purpose. Here we propose to use highly nonlinear tellurite glass fibers for […]